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How many times do you want to lose weight but fail?

Perhaps you are caught in a vicious cycle. It all starts with eating poor diets full of fats, carbs, and processed foods. Such foods make you feel lethargic all day and leave you feeling tired all day long. Then, you won’t feel like exercising because you don’t have enough energy in your body. 

Ultimately, what will happen? The result is that you feel miserable and helpless, and you lose all your willpower.

Besides physical obstacles, your own self-discipline and willpower pose the biggest challenge. 

If you truly want to lose weight, you first need to build willpower and have a specific strategy. Follow the below tips to get more chances to win your weight battle: 

Be Proactive to Looking Inside for Willpower

 Many of us have heard stories about people who have suffered severe trauma, like a heart attack, and how that life event has permanently changed their habits. However, you do not need to go through that bad situation to get motivated! Willpower is something hiding inside you, so instead of looking outside, listen to your inner void and wake your willpower up. 

Starting Small is One Way to Start.

 If you try to go from one extreme to another, you will have difficulty pulling together your willpower. Choose to eat the same meal you usually eat tonight but give yourself a smaller portion. Using small plates makes the plate look fuller. 

Taking Photos Through Your Journey

Take some self-portraits to motivate yourself to lose weight. Until we see ourselves in a photograph, we rarely know how we really look. Consider keeping a picture with you to look at when you’re ready to give up. Compare your old photo with the one you have now as you lose weight. 

Prepare a food list

If you enjoy eating any particular item, write it down, and then determine whether it is healthy or not. If you consume fruits and vegetables, then there is a good chance that you enjoy eating a few healthy foods. You should start purchasing these foods for yourself. 

Moderation is the key to exercise

If you try to add exercise too quickly, it can also be overwhelming. Obviously, no one will tell you to join a gym and engage in intense exercise if that’s not your style. Walking for 30 minutes three times per week will actually give you an energy boost.

You Deserve A Cheat Day

Allowing yourself a little fun now and then will make your transition easier. Make yourself promise that you can eat that pizza next Saturday or enjoy that chocolate cake. When you know you can eat pizza next Saturday rather than “never,” you’ll be less likely to cave into temptation. You won’t overeat when you “cheat” on the day. Enjoy your food, even if you have to eat a smaller portion than you usually would. As soon as you finish your piece, your willpower should kick in and tell you to stop!

Final Thought

To lose weight, you must take small steps and be positive. Rushing will cause you to fail. Make weekly weight loss goals appropriate to your abilities. When you focus on a smaller, more attainable goal, you will actually achieve results far more quickly.

Lastly, rewarding yourself for a job well done is a must. In the end, you deserve it! If you have the willpower to succeed in losing weight, you can succeed in any life endeavor!