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If you have a friend struggling with issues, chances are you can help them solve their problem. You may wonder how to listen and support her.
Try these strategies to help your friend with their weight issues:
Listen Well
Our thoughts and feelings all deserve to be heard and acknowledged. If your friend is talking about weight struggles with you, listening quietly is a good strategy. As they speak, maintain eye contact, lean forward, and say things like, “Uh-huh” or “I see what you mean.”
Avoid Responses That Your Friend Could Misinterpret
If she asks you if she looks fat in this outfit, make your response genuine and supportive. Particularly, if you know a specific clothing item making her look great, don’t hesitate to give her a friendly recommendation.
A person who is hypersensitive about their weight will, at times, misconstrue or overreact to innocent remarks about their appearance. It is not appropriate to say or do the following with an overweight friend:
- Even though your intentions might be good, your friend may not be amenable to a conversation beginning with, “I am worried about your weight.”
- The question “Have you ever considered losing weight?”. Of course, they have. But for whatever reason, they have not been able to succeed. The suggestion that you need to lose weight is not just annoying, but it can come across as mocking, especially if your weight isn’t excessive.
- Making decisions to control what your friend eats. For example, you might select a restaurant that serves only vegetarian food. The friend may notice these efforts and feel marginalized or insulted.
- Reminding them that they’re on a diet over and over again. While your friend may have announced their diet, it would be best if you avoided trying to control it with reminders.
Think Back to Your Biggest Struggle
We have all been challenged at some point in our lives, so looking back can be helpful. Your ability to relate to your friend allows you to determine what exactly she needs from you.
During a particularly trying time, what did you desire? Simply someone to chat with?
By thinking back to your own struggles, you can gain a deeper understanding of your friend’s struggles.
Engage in Adventurous Physical Activities
It would help if you volunteered to go with your friend when they say they want to try wall-climbing. You can join them if they like hiking and the weather is nice in a nearby national park. The engagement of these opportunities opens doors to healthier ways to exercise for both of you and allows your friend to become more aware of her own physical condition.
Celebrate Small Victories
If your friend informs you that they’ve lost four pounds, celebrate this accomplishment. You might say, “You’re doing a wonderful job for the week!”.
Final Thought
Sometimes, all an overweighted friend need is your emotional support. Try to implement these techniques, and your friend will appreciate your efforts.